Thursday, 16 May 2013

Macbeth - Destiny, Fate, and Influence?

I believe the witches have the crucial role of influencing Macbeth. Whether Macbeth chooses to believe or not to believe the witches’ prophecy, their words will never leave his unconscious mind. With the phrase All hail, Macbeth, thou shalt be king hereafter!"  (I.iii) lingering around in his mind, Macbeth has a goal to work toward. His fellow comrade Banquo states that the witches may be telling half-truths in order to ”win us to our harm” (I.iii). Essentially, Banquo is trying to state that the witches may be out to sabotage Macbeth. Banquo worries about how far Macbeth’s power-hungry ambition will take him. Macbeth ignores Banquo as he continues to ponder on about how far he would go in order to become king. Macbeth eventually snaps back to reality as he shakes off the thoughts and departs. As his decision remains a mystery, I look forward to how the witches will further influence Macbeth.

Despite all the conspiracies, I do not believe that we are subject to our pre-determined destiny. Depending on where we go, who we meet, and what actions we take, these things will determine our future. Even our personality is interchangeable. When we were born, we were set with a pre-determined personality. This personality however, is highly malleable. Depending on various factors such as the people around us, the events we experience, they all can play a role in changing our personalities. When we were children, we all thought that we would become millionaires and live happy lives as we believed in a pre-determined future. As we grew older and faced the hardships of life, we slowly come to realize that nothing can be achieved without hard work and perseverance. I believe everything in our life is interchangeable. Everything done, and will be done will all play a crucial role in determining our future.


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